Take This to Your Grave

Take This to Your Grave.

When we take the following information to our grave, we will know that we have changed what we could have in the present.  Think of this scenario… you have witnessed your love of another……

Being Ourselves

Being Ourselves

It’s true that there is a time in our lives when we decide whether we are going to live in a life of survival or if we are going to thrive and live self-enlightened. How many……

Divine Timing and Pre-Birth Plan

With Divine Timing we will know that it was for the purpose of finding the right time and place that something occurs versus the timing for when everything happens. What we mean by this is that there……

The Multiverse Here and Now

The Multiverse Here and Now

When we believe that we have found ourselves in the disjointed adventures of our life, we have found ourselves in those predicaments we talked about in the previous blog called “The Multiverse”. We……

The Multiverse

The multiverse has been visited by many a writer that claims they know the exact moment, time and notion that they see it and believe it. What if we were able to do that ourselves right now?……

When we give you the news…



When we give you the news articles of the day, do you feel sad, upended and fearful?  This movement of the journalistic nature in today’s world can be downright negative and depressing.  What if we could turn……

Telekinetic Future

There have been two telekinetic communications available to our communities over the last little while.  One from the trance channelers and ones from the conscious channelers.  These two camps of channels have given those interested in messaging……

Resource for Spiritual Emergencies

I want to share an important resource I wish I had while going through my own personal spiritual emergency back in 2013.  The book is by Stanislav Grof, M.D. and wife Christina Grof entitled “Spiritual Emergency: When……

Knowing Yourself

Knowing Yourself

The next blog we are going to do is on how you want to see your life unfold.  This is very near and dear to my heart because it follows a path of abundance that I……

Dear Listener

Dear Listener

When we encounter the things we most reserve our thought and actions over, we can close down – turn down. Make peace with the resistance. What is it truly about? The work involves the labour to……