Grounding Ourselves Like Trees

We are now going to point ourselves to the bottom of our feet. To the roots we have made into the ground like trees standing. We’re going to give an explanation of how this transference of energy has made the trees grow for thousands of centuries. The tree roots we make is by being stubborn, not moving from our place and it has produced some of the most grounded people on this earth. If you ever thought ‘I’m not budging’ or “I’m not moving on this topic” this is the sign of someone that has mastered the transference of energy down into their feet. On the other hand, if you feel stuck and cannot budge but need to change something in your life, then the balance scale has moved. There is a contact point where being stubborn (solid) and being stuck, change. Our graphic nature of visualization takes us to this point. Let’s look at the coastal water shores walking the tidal flats . Sand is coming up through our toes, it’s temperate, refreshing, grounding. Next, think of a sinkhole of silts, muskeg, a quagmire pulling your rubber boots from your feet.

Visuals are fundamental when exploring what you want to have in your life. If you’re going to create it …- think it, feel it, get down on ground level, explore it, describe it. If it is not the description you want for your life, move it, change it. It’s all about action, it’s all about courage. It’s all about belief in your intention.

About Author:

Zodie Klempp is a Certified Energy Practitioner and author of Miasm: Sexual Abuse The Journey to Self-Enlightenment.  She works with her husband, Edwin Hogendoorn, at Promoveo Energy and Wellness , located in Sylvan Lake, Alberta.  They can help you with physical, emotional and mental blockages you may be experiencing from events or traumas you are willing to overcome.  Through setting and balancing chakras, clearing energy, The Emotion Code, Body Code and Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Tapping, these two Energy Practitioners can help to teach you to be the healer in your own life.  This will help Evolve, Embody, and Empower you.  There are simple educational elements to their energy work so clients are left with tools for their own healing.  Book your Free Consultation to see where they may assist you on your healing journey.

Photo by David Clode on Unsplash