Take This to Your Grave.
When we take the following information to our grave, we will know that we have changed what we could have in the present. Think of this scenario… you have witnessed your love of another in your life. You have come face to face with him because you have planned it. You have the courage to talk with him because in your dreams you have played through all the scenarios on how you could reach out to him. You have found the places you have met before. These dream sequences allow you the opportunity to seek out and manifest your dreams. How cool is that. These creative moments while you sleep are called “maximizing your chances.” The manifesting components of building your dreams up with your actual sleeping dreams narrows the odds of maximizing your success rate. Have you built vision boards? Seeing your vision boards in your dreaming sequences at night is just as powerful and can prepare you for your match made in heaven.
About Author:
Zodie Klempp is a Certified Energy Practitioner that works with her husband, Edwin Hogendoorn, at Promoveo Energy and Wellness , located in Sylvan Lake, Alberta. They can help you with physical, emotional and mental blockages you may be experiencing from events or traumas you are willing to overcome. Through setting and balancing chakras, clearing energy in the Astral and Etheric energy system, The Emotion Code, Body Code and Thought Field Therapy (TFT) Tapping, these two Energy Practitioners can help to teach you to be the healer in your own life. This will help Evolve, Embody, and Empower you. There are simple educational elements to their energy work so clients are left with tools for their own healing. Book your Free Consultation to see where they may assist you on your healing journey.
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash