There are four important statements in our vocabulary that I believe should be brought to our attention if they have not already. They are easy and used regularly but the effect of using them may be taken for granted. Inside, our soul loves them and they make us feel good, really, really good. As we go through them, think about what they mean to you. Take it beyond the literal meaning and find the soulful reasoning we use them.
- I Love You
‘I Love You,’ the greatest number one saying of all time. How can we not mention this one. It is the fabric of family and relationships. It’s a reminder of our Earthly parents but it is also a reminder of our Heavenly Father and Mother’s Love. I capitalize these because they are the big ones that I would like to talk about. Our Father’s Love has placed us at the top of the list with Him. His Love is so great that his image of Himself exudes in ourselves. When we give our love away to family/friends we are remembering the love that was given to us by our Father. Our Father’s Love is the greatest example; however, we only have a small understanding of its strength from our limited perspective. The greatest knowledge of this love comes through when you can listen to it by connecting to the I Am. The I Amness that is created by connection to our God Head shares this knowingness. It is within each of us. It marks ourselves as the powerful and Almighty as well, for this is our God within. We want to take a moment to describe this for you so you do not get confused with being a God for you are this same God because you were created in His image. You have the same creator abilities that he imbued you with. His ever-present knowledge is what we tap into when we go through our intuitive process when we connect spiritually with the Universe. When we connect with our I Am we are connecting directly with God. It is a way we make our direct link. We are wanting our perceived separation to end between ourselves and our Father. To have this direct link between you and God you must find a quiet place, preferably in nature, where you can sit and journal. Sitting in a straight-backed chair or bench and feet flat on the ground, take a moment to connect with your inner God. When you have taken this moment then begin to ask your questions. Your earliest memories of your connections will come through when you ask questions like, “God, who am I to you?” You may ask, “God, what is the first memory of You in my life?” These are powerful questions. These are very specific guidance for you because they will shape how you sense your answers. Some answers will come in the form of knowing, then others will hear what their inner voice is telling them. Others will sense other things like memories that will flood back. These are all-natural ways the God inside you communicates with you. Be prepared to write down these words, memories, and sounds that have come up for you. You will notice that these words/impressions will be comforting and fill you with the Love of God.
- Forgive Me
The second most powerful word spoken is ‘Forgive Me’. These words, by far change your state of mind and consciousness. It is as much a service to others as it is to ourselves. It’s a way to raise our vibration. When you raise your vibration your service to others is increased. When you can consistently raise your vibration you will see the changes you have made in your evolvement in your life. These words create the space needed to open and heal the part of you the other person is showing you needs your attention. Gregg Braden has a book called ‘ Walking Between the Worlds.’ In it, he speaks about the 7 Essene Mirrors of relationships. Our family, friends, and other people we come in contact with will reflect back to us exactly what is needed to heal us inside. How we enjoy ourselves the most is being connected to ourselves – by knowing the true in and outs of how and why we tick. ‘Know Thy Self’- the true marker of a life well lived. When we live a life exploring the I Am we are exploring the ‘Know Thy Self.’ This is true about how we see the world when we know we can garner this information. We know it is easy to see ourselves in the others around us. This is why the 7 Essene Mirrors goes so lovely together with ‘Knowing Thy Self.’ To better know our self we have it reflected in those around us. ‘Forgive Me’ is taking ownership of our role. Gregg Braden has a 2 hour Youtube course he gives about the 7 Essene Mirrors that gives a beautiful explanation of them. Click here for the link
- I Am Sorry
‘I Am Sorry’, brings in the compassion aspect of living. When we live more wholly we live more holy. The Heart chakra is our relationship chakra. It is our relationship with others but it is also our relationship with ourselves. If the chakra is balanced the individual will experience a love of Self and there will be a strong desire for wholeness and self-care. You will look after yourself and show yourself your needs are being met. When you see your needs being met you share your same considerations for those around you and you want the same for them. This care and attention is the compassion that we seek. It feels good to be a service to others. It means sharing your feelings and emotions and sharing them and your vulnerability. The vulnerability that you experience saying ‘ I am Sorry’ prepares you for the beauty of what can be shared with others. It can be very liberating to come clean about the role you have played in something where your pride or judgments feel under attack. When we are compassionate, we know we are looking after the other person as much as we are looking after ourselves.
- Thank you
The next step to take is following it up with a ‘Thank You.’ This is the fourth of the most powerful words one can speak. The ‘Thank You’ is in response to seeing through the opportunities your friends, lovers, and family have given you to explore yourself and see what you are made of. The ‘Thank You’ is the one and only way we acknowledge that we ‘get it’, the light has come on, the discovery of that treasure amongst the journey it took to get you to this point. This acknowledgment also clearly thanks the other person for partaking in the event leading up to it as they have reflected back to you their love for you in the relationship mirrors. Beyond what you see in this world people have come here making soul contracts and agreements with the people in their lives. Seeing and acknowledging all of our soul mates goes far beyond.
Saying these statements individually or in combination can truly create shifts in our consciousness and elevate our vibration. These have been my staple for the last 12 years of my life and can guarantee when you look at them from a more elevated height instead of the everyday one, they are so powerful.
Written by Zodie Klempp, an Energy Practitioner from Promoveo Energy and Wellness. To learn more about our Practitioners, go to
Photo by Anita Jankovic on Unsplash