The evolution of spiritual communication has gone from unconscious to trance meditation to now conscious channeling. When I first start my journaling, I was not interested in wanting those who I was channeling to have access over my body. I wanted security over my body and when I found a conscious channeling course I knew it was right for me. The course was grounded in practice, I learned what it was to be sovereign and it allowed me to expand my channeling skills to become a ‘clear’ channel. Channeling for me allows me to express my spiritual nature. I choose where to receive my information and in response, a wealth of love and knowledge overflows. Sometimes my information comes via galactic (ie. Pleiadians) more regularly though my universal guidance comes from my high-level Guides. A true source of wealth is when I channel my Higher Self. Others seek Ascended Masters and Archangels. The choice becomes numerous and is designed by your interests. A piece of advice from my Guides was this the other day… “the biggest suggestion we can make is love what you are doing, do it because you have fun learning and try and stick in the parameters of grounded conscious channeling that does not take you away from the spot you are standing on”.
To be a clear channel, besides being grounded as a must, a desire to learn about yourself is a key component. “Know Thy Self” has been my motto for the past 13 years. Knowing my spiritual part of myself has been my drive. Understanding my childhood story and my energetic constructs that play out in my life like karma, programming, agreements and contracts has developed my spiritual understanding of who I am in this world. Unfolding like a lotus flower, I have followed my path and life purpose. Energy clearing goes hand in hand with conscious channeling and becoming ‘clear’. As a clear channel, I can decipher between when egoic thoughts enters my correspondence /communications and when it is Divine in nature. Although it takes time to develop a relationship with your Guides and understanding discernment of the information. It’s a beautiful journey worth taking. I have an excellent relationship with my Guides and consider them family. I never feel alone and know I have a trust worth source of connection, knowledge and understanding of who I am at my fingertips all the time.
For more information about becoming a clear channel and energy clearing please contact us at Promoveo Energy and Wellness.
Photo by Omar Gattis on Unsplash