Category: journal

January 2023 Newsletter

A Key to Manifesting

By Zodie Klempp

The present moment has come and gone when we ask ourselves whether we have traveled the path down the right way or the wrong way.  Instead, we must……

November 2022 Newsletter

For The Love of Ourselves

What do we do for the love of ourselves?  It brings us closer to realizing just who we are and what we have to bring to ourselves.  Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955),……

Creating: The Step

The best way to imagine ourselves in this very moment is through Source.  What does Source imagine us to feel, think, do in situations that feel perplexing?  What do these thoughts about you say?  Are they……

Four Important Statements

There are four important statements in our vocabulary that I believe should be brought to our attention if they have not already.  They are easy and used regularly but the……

Key Ideas For a Clear Channel

Tonight I am thinking back to the steps I took to become a clear channel.  I am reminded of the journey that I embarked on and it has……

“Clear” Conscious Channel

The evolution of spiritual communication has gone from unconscious to trance meditation to now conscious channeling.  When I first start my journaling, I was not interested in wanting those who I was channeling to……

My Story Could Be Yours

I sit here tonight journaling and connecting with my guides about the road I have taken to be here in this moment empowered, embodied, and evolving into someone I am very happy with.  It was not this way for me 10 short years ago.   Ten years ago I was going through a separation and divorce……