A Key to Manifesting

By Zodie Klempp

The present moment has come and gone when we ask ourselves whether we have traveled the path down the right way or the wrong way.  Instead, we must think that we have gone down the way that is right for us. It may be the time to decide whether you like the decision you have made and would like to make another choice.

We are creators.  That’s what we do.   Manifesting is a big part of this time of year because we are ready to put away the old and create something new.  We garner the new life we are creating for ourselves.  There are many things we wish for this time of year, like a new body shape, a new destination or a new fixed income, etc.  How do we make a wish into more?  What if we can pull in and attract this wish into our life?
Desire is the manifesting key to making things happen.  It is this emotion that drives your wishes to attract to you.  Gloria Hemsher and John Friedlander write the following in their book, Psychic Psychology: Energy Skills for Life and Relationships.

“If you can vibrate your desires as energies smoothly in your aura, they will manifest.  To vibrate your desires smoothly requires the emotional and mental congruence that comes from engaging life, finding your resistance, and releasing it.  This engagement of life not only helps you manifest your goals, it makes you more authentically open to life and relationships.  Your external goals become training opportunities for your real goals, such as spiritual freedom and reliable happiness.”

If you wake up and sense that this would be a good day to try it out, you can sit with your journal and write how it would feel to have all your wishes come true.  Journal what it would feel like to have your wish.  What would it look like in your life?  What does it sound like?  What do you know to be true about yourself with it in your life?  It’s true, it’s like putting it on like a piece of clothing.  You have to put it on, step into it, and wear it. The desire will come out of you when you utilize your emotions and senses.

What if our desire is a bigger construct like peace in the world? We can apply the same process but on an expanded scale. Oneness is definitely where we want to be with all the chaos around us.  To be in unison with the world would be a great gift to all of humanity.  When we have peace in the world we have the choice to be seen and heard,  We know these ways because that is our freedom of speech and freedom of expression that brings us into our authentic uniqueness.  Our authentic uniqueness is the expression of our greatest accomplishment.  When we Know Thy Self we know exactly our strengths of oneness, unity, love, and peace evolve.   When we express ourselves in our present day, can we make room for desires like peace on Earth?

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

A Practice to Tap Into Creativity with the 2nd Chakra

By Jill Leigh

A practice you can apply as you begin any creative project.

Q. I understand that the second chakra is a source of energy for creative expression. How can I use my second chakra energy consistently for the creative projects I’d like to complete?

The second chakra is wildly diverse — it has so many fascinating and interesting roles to play in our understanding and expression of our uniqueness. You are absolutely correct; your second chakra energy can be consciously harnessed and utilized to support creative endeavors of any kind.

We create all the time, don’t we? We create relationships with others, and imbue our interactions with emotional meaning. We create work product, doodle on paper while talking on the phone. We create gardens and blogs and books and art. We create relationships and sexual ecstasy and intimate connection. That’s the second chakras job!

Our beautiful second chakra can enable us to reach our pinnacle of emotional awareness when it’s wholly centered on our unique and authentic selves.

When we think of chakras as metabolizers, as centers that use energy to create and manifest concrete experience, moment by moment, hour by hour, and day by day, we begin to understand that energy is both infinite and finite. We have plenty of energy to live our lives at a macro level. We experience our lives as days and years go by, fueled by our energy.

Yet at the micro level, we expend energy differently depending on the tasks and activities associated with our endeavors.

Marathon runners steadily build stamina to prepare to run races. They bank that energy and fuel their intention and attention with milestones, training plans and practice runs. The day of the race, they expend their energy and run for the ribbon…or for completion or whatever target they’ve set for the race. In the days following, they conceivably rest, recoup, and recover.

Whatever your creative jam, intentionality and focus funnel energy toward actualizing your ideas. Whatever your creative jam, you need lots of your own energy to bring your project to fruition. Your creative impetus generates from your second chakra.

What can stand in the way of having a consistent flow of second chakra energy for your creative endeavors? Why might you find sporadic and inconsistent energy available to create and manifest your ideas? It can happen to all of us, and it is related to how our energy is flowing and where it gets allocated.
Depending on how the second chakra energy is focalized, it may be entangled with a lot of other people and their emotional experiences. We can tend to be externally focused with our second chakra. When this is the case, we are highly attuned to others emotional state, which we perceive and assess by displacing our authentic second chakra energy to make room for the second chakra energy of others.

We garner feedback and context around someone else’s experience and emotional landscape by taking on their energy, but it has no intrinsic usability for our creations.
Here’s a practice you can apply as you begin any creative project — whether it be a massive project or simple task, it’s best to have your energetic resources available to your efforts.

  • Bring your awareness to your second chakra, two fingers below the navel
  • Say ‘hello’ silently and psychically to any energies vibrating in the second chakra that belong to anyone other than you
    • You may know specific people whose energy you’re holding, silently and psychically say ‘hello’ to them
    • For those you don’t know, (and this is often the vast majority of second chakra energies), a simple ‘hello’ will do
  • Imagine extracting those energies from your second chakra and enclosing them in winged envelopes that say, ‘Return to Owner’
  • Send the envelopes on their way back to whomever the energy belongs
  • Then, say ‘hello’ psychically to anyone who is holding your second chakra energy and call it back to you
  • Your own energy will readily and happily return to you
  • Notice, observe and validate any sensations, uptick in your energy, feeling of fullness or completeness
  • Now get creative!

Reclaiming your second chakra energy is an empowering and liberating act. Truth be told, I do it almost every day. I adore my connection to others, and I enjoy having my energy available for my projects, tasks and creative endeavors.

Empower yourself and create with every ounce of your beautiful, expressive energy! The world is your oyster, and your second chakra is a pearl beyond measure.

***Leigh J., 2018-08-24, A Practice to Tap Into Creativity With the 2nd Chakra, Spirituality and Health, https://www.spiritualityhealth.com/articles/2018/08/24/a-practice-to-tap-into-creativity-with-the-2nd-chakra


You are worthy and deserving of your desires.  Following your Heart’s desire is the same as living God’s will, when you listen to your inner self and wisdom; you are actually carrying out God’s intention. – Malti Bhojwani

FREE Zoom Class

“Introduction to Chakra Setting and Balance” on January 25, 2023 at 7pm MST.

When I was new to energy work, I had no clue as to what I was looking for.  I just knew I was interested in energy.  I knew the basics about chakras and I knew that rocks and gemstones caused me to vibrate when I was in a rock and gem store.  What I did not know was how much fun I had in discovering more about myself and the reasons why I did what I do.

In my past there was a trauma and it defined the life that I had growing up.  It gave me a bunch of so called scars but it was a blessing in disguise because it taught me more about myself.  The energy clearing tools I learned helped me clear my programming, my karma, my agreements and my contracts I have with the actors in my life.  It rally has been a movie playing out.  Now I have control over my life.  I have taken responsibility for my actions.  I have become current – I no longer live in the past.  I have become the one I am most proud of.  I feel abundant and embodied in life and genuinely happy – mind, body and spirit.

The road to energy healing has been beneficial in so many ways.  As a way of helping you to find that you are the healer in your own life, I will be hosting a FREE Zoom course called “Introduction to Chakra Setting and Balance” on the evening of January 25, 2023.  Send me a message via Instagram, Facebook or the website www.promoveoenergyandwellness.com about your interest in attending.