Knowing Yourself

The next blog we are going to do is on how you want to see your life unfold.  This is very near and dear to my heart because it follows a path of abundance that I am on.  It is created with the expression of the I am as a Creator.  The creator part of us is the one we most associate with the Divinity within and its attributes.  We can give this a lot of thought or we can simply listen to our heart.  When we connect within to our Higher Self we can find the commonality with what our Soul wants and what we want as a person.  Its simple it’s a Higher place in this world.  When we drop back down into unconscious thought it has a way of dragging us down with it.  Instead, if we take the Higher road, the road less travelled then we can see from its perspective all of the beautiful things that can unfold from it.  Our integrative breathe brings us into consciousness.  Our co-creating brings us into step with the things most precious – our presence.  When we bring this all together it brings our creating frequency to a level where magic happens.  You will be amazed at Universal synchronicities and it will bring you to a place of awe and amazement.  The truth behind this alignment comes when you are willing to meet your Higher Self.  When you are ready, begin.  Take a step that’s going to tell yourself you are ready to commit to learn.  An action step can be however big you are ready to take.  Just take that step.

Zodie Klempp is a Certified Energy Practitioner that works with her husband, Edwin Hogendoorn, at Promoveo Energy and Wellness , located in Sylvan Lake, Alberta.  They can help you with physical, emotional and mental blockages you may be experiencing from events or traumas you are willing to overcome.  Through setting and balancing chakras, clearing energy in the Astral and Etheric energy system, The Emotion Code, Body Code and Thought Field Therapy (TFT ) Tapping, these two Energy Practitioners can help to teach you to be the healer in your own life.  This will help Evolve, Embody, and Empower you.  There is simple educational elements to their energy work so clients are left with tools for their own healing.  Book your Free Consultation to see where they may assist you on your healing journey.

Photo by Ivan Sh on Unsplash