It was quite devastating for many members of the population to learn in the late summer of 2021 that vaccine mandates were going to be in place by the winter.  In December of 2021, I had the unfortunate/fortunate experience of losing my job.  Some may say ‘unfortunate’ to be let go of your job but you have to wonder what you are gaining in return.  I am fortunate my savings were in a place that gave me a cushion and at home, I had an understanding and supportive spouse.  My three-month wait for my current job provided me a time to look after my self-care.  I have always had a job in my life.  I do not think I was ever off work or without a job since the early 90’s when I just got out of school.  I was fortunate that I got to take a break, catch up on reading and finish my practicum for my Energy Practitioner course.  I began, in that time off from work, a new way of healthy eating.   I took a 21-day course on learning more about eating plant-based meals which I had always wanted to do.  I returned to a sleep pattern that was more in sync with my natural rhythms.  I felt refreshed.    As a clear channel, I have confidence, trust in the Universe, and the Divine that I can navigate through the world when the seas are turbulent and get to a safe harbor.  The connection to my guides and Higher Self is doing just that guiding.  Through the use of the energy clearing tools, I sit in a neutral emotional status where I am calm, peaceful, and can manage whatever the next challenge may be.   I am in constant contact with my guides and Higher Self.  As my outer world was experiencing some changes, I needed to investigate more about the potential paths that I could create.  I asked my questions surrounding whether to vaccinate or not, the health results of these vaccinations, financial questions, and family decisions about what I chose.  I am so grateful for my ability to connect and my energy clearing tools because it has made making these hard decisions a place where I can go to.  When I was hired for my current job, it was the perfect timing, perfect location, and environment.  The alignment of my inner and outer world is a beautiful place to be in.

I have the keys and tools to help you be the healer in your own life.   Contact Promoveo Energy and Wellness practitioners at  for a free consultation on where to begin.

Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash